The Taylor Generational Blessing

 The Taylor Generational Blessing

Sunday’s sermon could not have been more appropriate, given that today is my parent’s 63-year wedding anniversary (8/12/24). Generational Blessings was the title. And what started with Daddy Dale, my Daddy’s father, was then exponentially magnified by my parents to all of us. This milestone anniversary is just an example of how God has deemed it His will for them to be with us for this long; blessing us, and countless others.

My grandfather, Daddy Dale, of Dale F. Taylor, was a preacher. So naturally, he was always trying to live a Christ-like example for us and for others. He never had a large congregation. He was always in a small-town church, mostly in Arkansas. But his impact was big! Touching the lives of people he served, and those he encountered throughout the course of daily life. He was a carpenter by hobby; he was a college administrator by day; and a man of God for life.

My Daddy was an only child and destined to be in church whenever the doors were open. But he came to his faith and service on his own. It was not forced by his loving parents. And he carried down the legacy of that faith, service, and perseverance through adversity to his children, grandchildren, and beyond.

Mom and Daddy shared their love of people with us; their love of mentoring and serving others; their will to work hard for the Lord. They showed us what it was like to step outside of our own family lives to love on and include others. They witnessed, shared testimony, and kept the faithful priorities of God first, spouse second, then children and others and shared the example of how God wants us to remain steadfast in our commitments to others.

And they have also shown us what it looks like to stay active as long as we can. They have shown us how to not slow down, not be complacent, and to continue the work God has for us.

The Taylor Generational Blessings can be summed up on our family verse that has been passed down generations:

Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

ALL things are the good, the bad, the challenging, the traumatic, the beautiful, the difficult, A-L-L things! God uses it ALL for His purpose. 

That is the Taylor Generational Blessing - the word ALL. For we know, because of our family and those who went before us, that God is in control. That ALL things work for His good. And we are grateful for the Taylors, both Dale and Modena, and Frank and Eddie Lou, for instilling that in all of us. What a blessing.

If you want to see that sermon, you can watch it here. (Guest pastor for our church) It was awesome! What are you passing down as your generational blessing?


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